How do you move a blog?

You can move house, move jobs even move country and the process is usually clear and well-defined.  The question this week, is “how do you move a blog?”  I have decided to move this blog to hosted platform and base it on the structure instead of the platform.  Whilst the .com platform is fine and of course it is free, it comes with too many restrictions particularly with the restrictions on the use of widgets.  WordPress as a platform is amazing and the versatility is amazing.  I want to have the freedom to develop this blog.  For example I want to add a separate page that I can post to where I review the hotels and restaurants that I use.  God only knows there is enough of them and I think that is worth sharing with those of you who travel as well.

So the question, “how do you move a blog?”, I think the answer is “relatively easily”, but watch this space in a few days, I might have a different tale to tell.

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